The slide spectacular
Ed got some of his slides back the other day from the trip - they are really quite amazing. And there I was being a bit scathing about him carrying his antiquated bloody lump of a giant camera about and having to buy slide film all the time while I just popped my tiny digital in my handbag - well now I stand corrected. They are so much better. Here is a random selection of my favourites - I give them the big thumbs up.
Little Peruvian Beauty Queen - Llangoden Peru
Peruvian Schoolgirls dressed up for a fiesta - Huaraz Peru
Chom, Lek and Jeff race our trishaw in Burma
Ed and I in a giants doorway at Sacsayuman - Cuzco Peru
Little boy on the floating islands of Titicaca - Peru
Me and our spanish teachers Fanny and Liz - Cuzco Peru
Beautiful, bitey Leonsio - Villa Tunari Bolivia
Bathtime for Mums and babies - Elephant Nature Park Thailand
A Moai who has fainted with fright - Easter Island Chile
Covered in food, wee and monkeys and very happy - Villa Tunari Bolivia
Edward James Holmes - world traveller and Puma walker - Villa Tunari Boliva
Hans and Martin the monkey have a bite of each other - Villa Tunari Bolivia
Ed teaches Martin some bad food habits - Villa Tunari Bolivia
Trying a on a Bolivian ladies hat - Tarabucco Boliva
Everyone is dressed up for market day - Tarabucco Boliva
Ed buys another table cloth - Tarabucco Bolivia
Potato lady - Ollantaytambo Peru
Playing with the baby - Thailand
Golden Inca ruins at Pisac - Peru
Middle of nowhere - salar in Bolivia
Baby Hope gives one of the volunteers a cuddle - Thailand
Old lady elephant eavesdrops on Park manager Michelle when she talks to the tourists - Thailand
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