Monday, September 05, 2005

Just like a tropical island - only freezing

We arrived in the tiny Bolivian beachside town of Copacabana - complete with little pebbly beach, cafes, restaurants and a freezing cold climate. Everyone we met complained about not being able to get Barry Manilow out of their head for the whole time they were there.

Copa is a stange place, it has the feel of a summer beach resort in winter, the only problem is that it's summer right now.

We also visited the Isla del Sol which sounds like a tacky British package holiday destination in Spain but is really just a little island in the middle of the lake - again it was a strange feeling to walk along white beaches and crystal blue water wearing sunscreen cause the sun is so strong but still wrapped up in four layers of clothes because it is so cold. We went walking to see some Inca ruins (well I huffed and puffed and complained in the altitude) and Ed walked like a normal person. An idyllic island but just quietly I prefer my holiday islands a little warmer.


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