Kiss Kiss
Being a tad afraid of the telephone this suits me just fine, only thing is lately I’ve noticed that the employees of a certain large news corporation have all taken to signing off their emails to me with a little kiss ie: x. While this seemed kind of sweet coming from the Editor who I work with regularly and share all kinds of work related trials and tribulations, I then contacted the features Ed last week who I’ve talked to once or twice in my life online and he signed off with an x as well. Today I had my first and only communiqué with their office assistant and she signed off with not one x but two xx’s!
Is this weird? Or am I just uptight? Did they all have a meeting to decide they would all sign off emails like this or is there something about me that makes outpourings of alphabetical affection irresistible?
I don’t know the answer – but all I know is I can’t quite bring myself to do it back.